I’ve got the SlideShare religion.
Ironically, the use of slides, so often associated with mind-numbing – if not sleep-inducing – oral presentations, makes for a terrific storytelling platform for reading.
Earlier in the year, I posted on “Telling a Story Through Visual Means” that reverse-engineered a charticle in WIRED Magazine.
In a sense, SlideShare encompasses the same concept as a charticle, bringing together visuals and words to tell a story.
But unlike a charticle, SlideShare doesn’t require pure artistry (although artistry will certainly enhance the final product).
For business, the slide platform allows you to craft a story in a form that the reader can consume in a minute or two or three. The crisp pace of a SlideShare deck often comes from the actual type serving as the visual.
I would be remiss if I didn’t also highlight the benefits that come from SlideShare fitting under the social media umbrella.
You can’t tag or follow a charticle.
We’re putting greater emphasis on this communications vehicle for both our clients and ourselves. In fact, you can view the Agency’s credentials story which just went live on SlideShare.
Introduction to The Hoffman Agency
Many thanks to our Singapore office, which did the heavy lifting on creating the credentials deck.
We believe it tells our story in a fashion that brings out our unique way of thinking and personality, deploying the techniques of storytelling – conversational, fun with language, etc. – that we’ve been evangelizing for some time.
Let us know what you think.
Sidenote: While there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of outstanding stories on Slideshare, one in particular, “Shift Happens,” provided much of our inspiration. There’s a reason this deck has almost 1 million views.