Tag: b2b owned media


How to Set Up a B2B Facebook Advertising Campaign

By Jackson Dulzo, Senior Account Executive At Hoffman we’re increasingly executing integrated communications campaigns that roll earned, owned and paid media into a single client budget to reach B2B audiences. It’s here that traditional PR techniques like media relations and thought leadership combine beautifully with the new generation of publicity tools, including paid social ads …more

The Mind of B2B Buyers and Where They Go for Information

Steve Jursa (EVP in the San Jose office) recently attended a presentation called “The Mind of the Engineer” by Aspen Core, the company that owns EE Times. They surveyed over 4,000 engineers around the world to better understand their day-to-day jobs, how they gather information and what their guilty pleasure on Netflix is (just kidding …more

Companies Increasingly Punch Back at the Media

Mark Twain famously said, “I never quarrel with a man who buys ink by the barrel.” Now that the internet has ended the correlation between barrels of ink and reach of audience, companies are more inclined to “quarrel” with the media. In the old days, if a company took issue with a critical article, it …more

Using Owned Media as a Catapult to Fling Warning Shots

Owned media has come a long way since serving as the platform of choice to highlight the availability of vegan options at the corporate café. Google’s decision to communicate its exit from the China market was a turning point. When Google published a blog post with the no-frills headline, “A New Approach to China,” on …more