Tag: B2B storytelling


I Still Believe Levity Is the Killer App for Business Storytelling

I wrote about Zappos using levity as the killer app in its communications a few years ago. Before going further, it’s worth noting that levity has a lower bar than humor. We’re not trying to channel Jon Stewart or Conan O’Brian. Levity delivers a smile, a grin (bigger smile) or, at its best, a low-decibel …more

Our Take on Storytelling in 2019

What does a shovel have to do with storytelling? Everything. Many of our clients come from the B2B tech world where hearts race from inventing a way to increase the spin-torque efficiency of a memory device. While these types of stories hold great importance to the people who use a given technology, they typically aren’t …more

A Behind-the-curtain Look at EE Times’ Bigger Picture

By Jaime Hamilton, Account Coordinator   For EE Times, the days of thinking small are over. Marked by an October 1 relaunch, the publication embarked down a new path that combines an aesthetic upgrade with fortified substance — all-encompassed by a new mantra: Think Big. “We, as editors, were trained to think small as our …more

How Does a B2B Customer Story Crack The Wall Street Journal?

Virtually every national and global company desires coverage in the business media. For B2B players, this quest presents an additional hurdle in shaping a story that the average Joe will understand, much less care about. For those who toil in the B2B arena, the pursuit of business media is not a job for squeamish. Often, …more

The Best Storytelling Posts for the First Half of 2016 (Part II)

The heck with big data, analytics and science. Subjectivity rules in selecting the top 10 posts from the first half of the year. Tuesday’s post captured half of the list. Here’s the second half. 6. Media Squeeze — and Watermelon Explosion — Described by the NY Times Presents an Opportunity for PR The New York Times …more

10 B2B Companies Who Don’t Waste the Precious Online Real Estate, “About Us.”

Every company website features an “About Us” section. Sometimes, it goes by a different name. Our Story. Corporate Overview. Company Info. Etc. Nomenclature aside, all strive to give the visitor a look inside the company, explaining its business, its values and what makes it tick. Naturally, it hopes to make a positive impression. Better yet, …more