Tag: blogs


Q&A With The 85-Year-Old Voice Behind "Thoroughly Modern Millie," Part II

I’m not a fan of the phrase “be authentic.” It sounds too clinical. Can’t we just say “be yourself.” That’s exactly how Millie Garfield approaches her blog, which has served the 85-year-old blogger well. Millie was kind enough to talk with me about her writing. I published the first half of the interview yesterday; here’s …more

The Relationship Between Storytelling, Social Media And Age

We’re working with one particular client which targets an older demographic. They were convinced the “older crowd” does not participate in social media. Just for the heck of it, we took five current customers and plugged their names into LinkedIn. It turns out four of the five had LinkedIn profiles and two of them also …more

Is Ghost Blogging Ethical?: 4 Perspectives On 4 Communication Issues

Before addressing the topic at hand, a little bit of background. During the final installment of my interview with Steve Farnsworth on corporate blogging, Paul Roberts weighed in with some good questions. This triggered the clever idea on Steve’s part to engage others as well as himself in answering these questions, one per week over …more