Tag: journalism and PR


Interviewing Clients Like a Journalist: Thoughts from Dan Tynan

By Matt Burrows, Senior Account Executive   At first glance, dentistry might seem like the last profession you should address to get thoughts on storytelling, with most conversations with your dentist consisting of them asking questions while your mouth is open to the world. So when Dan Tynan — journalist, communications writer and Thought Follower …more

Tech Journalists in Hong Kong Share Insights with PR in Mind

Hong Kong continues to serve as an important media hub for Asia. With this in mind, Alessandra Tinio, an account director in our Hong Kong office, summarized a panel she attended that featured three tech journalists: Lulu Yilun Chen: Senior reporter with Bloomberg in Hong Kong, covering technology. A regular commentator on Bloomberg TV and …more

PR Undervalues the Anecdote, One of the Best Springboards into Storytelling

Journalists get anecdotes. PR not so much. A few years back, we analyzed three months’ worth of tech stories in The Economist breaking down the content type by category. It turned out that 17 percent of the articles were anecdotal. . We consistently find that the anecdotal content in business publications ranges from 15 to …more

Similar to PR, Journalism Comes in Different Grades

The Bureau of Labor Statistics puts the number of people working in PR at 218,910 (as of May 2015). Some of these folks are extraordinary. Others communicate with the finesse of a carnival barker. Most fall somewhere in between. For the sake of discussion, let’s say that 3 percent of the PR population falls into …more

The “F Word” in Storytelling and Business

Failure. Point to a movie or a book that captivates, and I’ll show you failure. Shrek. Absolutely. Something more high-brow, like the best-selling novel “A Little Life.” Again, failure underpins the story. For it’s the failure — something going horribly awry, the more pain the better — that creates the tension in a story. As …more

“Favorite” Stories on Contentious Relationship Between Journalists and PR

I’m talking at the Holmes Report’s Innovation Summit today on “Applying Supply and Demand Economics Theory to Media Relations.” Preparing for the talk reminded me that journalists tend to view PR as the enemy (or worse). Given the different charters of the two professions, one expects some friction. But this friction can give way to …more

What the Hell Does the PR Guy Know About Journalism (Take II)?

Apparently, the five posts on our journalistic brothers last March didn’t deliver enough to data answer this question. In an attempt to tilt the scale in my favor, I’ve curated another round of posts scrutinizing the world of journalism with the caveat that some stones have been left unturned. Clues Reveal How Mr. Bezos Will …more

What the Hell Does the PR Guy Know About Journalism? Five Takes up for Debate

My own career as a reporter was short-lived, not even three months at the “El Independiente” in South Tucson. Still, I enjoy sharing an outsider’s perspective on the plight of journalism. Curating these posts on our journalistic brothers/sisters, I’ve captured five takes with a PR bent. The Wall Street Journal Tries BuzzFeed Storytelling When I …more