Tag: juxtaposition


Branding with the F Bomb, Contrast for Storytelling and the Future of Links

I continued to collect potential vignettes for the grab bag during my “assignment” in the South of the France. In fact, one of today’s vignettes takes a look at the use of English in France. Here goes … English in France If there’s one country that rejects all things American, it’s France. Yet, you can …more

Communicating with Fresh and Compelling Language

We associate the “sound bite” with television. Capture your idea in an entertaining 20 seconds and increase the likelihood of making the 11 p.m. news. The same concept exists in print journalism. At the risk of oversimplifying, given a choice between dull or exciting, reporters will take exciting every time. One of my all-time favorite …more

Even A Niche Small-Biz Trade Can Go For A Chuckle

You don’t think B2B trade publications have a sense of humor? Think again. SmallBusinessComputing recently covered a new storage device from Fabrik with the following photo and caption: Pass the Wasabi: What looks like an elegant way to serve sushi is, in fact, Fabrik’s eco-friendly, bamboo-encased external drive. The juxtaposition of the wasabi and a hard …more