Tag: Malcom Gladwell


Airing Dirty Laundry Reveals Storytelling Wisdom

Is there a task more mundane than doing laundry? It is the ultimate in dullsville. Yet, a podcast by Malcolm Gladwell called “Laundry Done Right” shows that indeed . I first wrote about Gladwell in 2009 when he told a David vs. Goliath type story that used a 12-year-old girls basketball team as the frame. …more

Top Storytelling Blog Posts From 2009 (Part I)

I cruised back through my 2009 posts, flagging my personal favorites. Here’s half the list: 1) AIG Jumps Into Fray with Its Side of the Story This was my first time getting in touch with my inner smart-ass self: The power of empathy championed by Oprah and her ilk is not lost on Mr. Liddy. His …more