Tag: Peter Guber


Why Journalists Get Cranky About PR

I debated whether to write this post and actually decided to take a pass on it. Then, the same mass blast came to me a second time and prompted the change in heart. It’s more than sad when a PR company, in this case Media Connect (part of Finn Partners which sits under the Ruder …more

Book Review: Entertainment Value Of "Tell To Win" Sugarcoats Lessons In Storytelling

Business needs more storytelling evangelists. They provide a counter balance to the “Corporate Drivel-ites.” Even before picking up the book “Tell to Win,” I’m thinking that Peter Guber serving as the face for the storytelling movement is a good thing. He’s got the street cred, having penned “The Four Truths of Storytelling” for Harvard Business …more

Revisiting The Connection Between Trust And Storytelling

Perhaps 2011 will go down as the “Year of Storytelling.” Peter Guber’s much anticipated book “Tell To Win” officially comes out on March 1 (book review in the works). Plus, I’ve noticed more dialog within the business community on storytelling – more specifically, does it work? That’s really the ultimate question and one that inevitably surfaces when I’m …more