Tag: PR narratives


10 Examples of Visual Storytelling that Boost the Narrative

Most of us who toil in business communications tilt toward words. We studied mass communications, journalism or English in college. When we went looking for jobs, our resumes touted writing expertise, not design. Yet, today’s world calls for equal emphasis on the visual side. I’ve always viewed my blog as a laboratory where I can …more

PR Take on The State of the Media 2013

The Pew Research Center produces “The State of the News Media” each year, a study on the trends shaping journalism. Given the synergistic, and yes, antagonistic relationship between PR and journalism, the report offers relevant fodder for any communicator. Here’s most of the report’s overview interpreted through a PR lens. Overview From The State of …more

Best Storytelling Posts From Ishmael’s Corner in 2012 (Part I)

It’s been a good year for storytelling. One can argue storytelling has become the “new black.” If that’s true and you buy into the premise that a rising tide lifts all vessels including the humble canoe, then that explains our readership increasing by more than 50 percent. Many thanks for stopping by. In the spirit …more