Tag: public relations


How to Build Better Relationships with Journalists

  “You know, we have other interests. We don’t all go home and talk to our families about cloud storage all weekend — well, not all of us anyway.” Bryan Glick, Editor-in-Chief, Computer Weekly     In this latest episode of “The Story is Always There,” Computer Weekly’s editor-in-chief Bryan Glick drops some gems, including …more

Google Ignores Its Own Best Practices for SEO

  If any organization should nail the fundamentals of SEO, it’s Google. After all, Google wrote the rules behind online search and holds the keys to the algorithm. It’s a little like knowing the words for a spelling bee before the spelling bee takes place. Sure, it still takes knowledge to win it, but the …more

Mulling on the (potentially) happy marriage of PR and SEO

By Mark Pinsent, Managing Director, Hoffman Europe   Public Relations and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) haven’t always been the happiest of bedfellows let alone entertained thoughts about a long-term commitment. There are a number of potential reasons for the lack of chemistry. Perhaps the historical perception of unethical ‘black hat’ SEO and underhand link-building programmes …more

When the Media Fails to Distinguish Between PR and Advertising

  Lou—I wanted to reach out regarding the blog posted this week “When the Media Fails to Distinguish Between PR and Advertising.” It is unclear to me who the author is, and a little disappointing that they developed a whole narrative about us out of thin air, but please share that the North American Meat …more

Advocating for the PR Profession at Wenzhou-Kean University in China

By Frank Zhang, DGM Hoffman China   Sitting on the train from Shanghai to Wenzhou, I had time to contemplate a simple question: What were students from Wenzhou-Kean University, a Chinese-American jointly established higher education institution, expecting to hear from an international communications consultancy? I arrived at the venue 30 minutes early. It turns out …more

“Lou, You Know What Your Problem Is?”

Years ago we resigned a big brand account in the consumer electronics space. I think the statute of limitations has run out, 10+ years, so I can share the name. You’ve probably heard of them. Sony. At the time we supported their consumer electronics business in the U.S. handling their video camcorders, cameras and laptops. …more

Tim Cook All-In with Building the Apple Brand Through Public Relations

Apple’s recent product introductions generated the expected media hoopla. I think the only publication that did not write about Apple’s announcement was “Miniature Donkey Talk Magazine” (yes, it exists). Apple under Steve Jobs essentially invented the show-biz event for introducing tech products. They know how to do this better than any company on the planet. …more

Breakdown of the State of the PR Industry (from altitude)

Most of those in the over-50 crowd remember a movie called “Wall Street.” The main character is played by Michael Douglas, and he exclaims what became a famous line back then in describing the attitude of those in finance, “Greed is good.” If Hollywood were to create a movie called “PR Street” with Michael Douglas, …more