Top 10 Storytelling Posts ...


I shared five of my favorite posts from the past six months on Monday.

Today, I roll out the second half of the list.

  1. New York Times Story on Journalism in China Is Much Ado About Nothing

    New York Times maskhead

    It doesn’t make for provocative copy, but the gray area of what constitutes “undue influence” exists everywhere. Apparently, The New York Times didn’t get the memo in devoting 1,300 words to the “groundbreaking” story that the line between editorial and advertising blurs in China. Duh.

  2. Applying Storytelling Techniques To An Enterprise Computing Case Study (Video)

    I love this NetApp video on a customer case study which deviates from the typical dull formula. Dare I say there’s genuine storytelling in the video. NetApp gets that even in the B2B world, the target audience still has emotions.

  3. Journalists Accept Apple’s “Storytelling Candy”

    Everyone knows Apple as a branding juggernaut. Few appreciate that the company is equally adroit at PR, illustrated by the handling of Tim Cook’s trip to Asia earlier in the year. Using the concept of supply and demand to its advantage, the distribution of a couple photos ensured that Apple’s controlled narrative found its way into countless stories.

  4. Top 10 Reasons Why Companies Fail at International PR

    Our involvement in global campaigns goes back to even before opening our first office overseas in 1996. It’s sobering to see companies make the same mistakes. This top-10 list captures the ones that surface the most led by Americanitis – the unwavering commitment to duplicate overseas what worked on the home field.

  5. Every Imaginable Storytelling Technique Surfaces in Media Coverage on Facebook IPO

    Yes, the Facebook IPO turned into a debacle only a mother could love. But the media coverage right after the big event offered a lesson in storytelling. How does a media property find that one unique angle when thousands of journalists are essentially writing from the same script? We found seven examples that went beyond stock movement, Zuck is rich and good luck living up to the valuation.

My first post of the year addressed ideas for evolving the blog.

Sometimes less is more, like reducing the number of posts driven by my personal amusement.

On the plus side, I think the grab-bag post has worked out well.

I also continue to be painfully aware that the “look and feel” of the blog needs more than a paint job.

As always, I welcome your feedback.

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