Category: Advanced Storytelling


People Have Misunderstood the Meaning of Storytelling (PRWeek)

We’ve strived to be the cobbler’s kids who actually do have shoes. In practical terms, we’ve pitched stories on the Agency and our perspectives to journalists, some resulting in media coverage. As part of the blog’s 10-year anniversary, I’ve dusted off one of the better articles on our storytelling mentality. David Blecken at Campaign Asia …more

Ten Takes on the State of Storytelling in Business

  Today marks the day, the 10-year anniversary of Ishmael’s Corner. In the spirit of taking a step back, I reached out to a mix of individuals I respect for their perspectives on that elixir for communications we call storytelling. The backgrounds vary from journalists to storytelling gurus to authors and everything in between. As …more

Whoever Said, “If They Build It, They Will Come,” Never Started a Blog

Tomorrow marks the 10-year anniversary of Ishmael’s Corner. Nice round numbers suggest reflection, so here goes. Building a readership is hard work — not exactly an alert-the-media insight, but one that has stayed with me over this 10-year trek. The periodic sense of toiling alone begat the line: “If a post falls in the forest …more

The Person Behind “Storytelling for Leaders”

It seems like 90 percent of human beings aspire to: Lose weight Get rich Tell stories Of course, such aspirations bring the purveyors of snake oil. “Hey mister, step into my tent and see how storytelling can change your life.” Yet, there’s a small cadre of storytelling advocates who actually know what they’re talking about. …more

Grading Out the Storytelling for a New York Times Job Description

I am an unabashed cheerleader for The New York Times. For those who have the stamina to read more than 10 words at a time, it’s trustworthy. For those in the communications business of constructing non-fiction storytelling, the Times offers daily lessons. In fact, you’ll find some of the best journalist storytelling on the planet …more

Visual Storytelling from The New Yorker; Up a Creek without a Paddle

I’ve advocated for the use of illustration in communications for some time. No matter how outrageous the subject matter, illustration can bring it to life. For my money, the best illustrations can be found on the covers of The New Yorker, but the publication might have outdone itself with the August 28 cover art, worthy …more

Do PR People Get Storytelling?

Every PR agency with a pulse touts its storytelling chops. You half expect carnival barkers shouting, “Step into our tent, and we’ll show you how to tap the magic powers of storytelling to connect with the outside world, eat canapes at Davos and pal around with Anderson Cooper.” Yet, the vast majority of content developed …more

Apple’s Savvy in Communicating a Job-creation Narrative

Apple plays the communications game with the ferocity of the guy at the poker table with all the chips. It has a way of exerting its will on others, including journalists. Combining an unconventional media relations strategy and owned media, the company’s announcement of a fund for advanced manufacturing dominated the media at the end of …more