Category: Digital


Have You Heard of Pearned Media?

It’s one of my nine predictions for the communications industry in 2013, that “pearned media” will enter the vernacular. What is it? You know about paid media, owned media and earned media. “Pearned media” is when a publication so deftly blends earned media (journalism) with paid media that the reader can’t distinguish between the two. …more

Experimentation in Content Marketing Offers Promise of Competitive Advantage

I participated on a panel called “Creating and Leveraging Epic Content” at the UBM Electronics Marketing Summit last week. An earlier session at the Summit flashed the following words: It’s really hard to write quality content. Note the slide didn’t say “It’s really hard to write content.” Anyone can write content. That’s easy. It’s the …more

Tapping Google Search for Discovery and Storytelling

Research underpins many terrific novels. Novelist Tom Clancy attributes his success to “equal parts persistence and dogged research.” For “The Hunt for Red October,” he raked the likes of “The World’s Missile Systems, Guide to the Soviet Navy and Combat Fleets of the World.” It’s not on my nightstand either. But a similar mentality can …more Straddles Earned Media and Owned Media From a PR Perspective

Poynter recently went behind the curtain. Two years ago, was a news website like most others. Today, it is less website, more operating system – an underlying layer of technology that hundreds of contributors use to publish independently. The business of journalism has been hurting (to say the least), so there’s plenty of …more

Quantifying The Intangible Quality Called Buzz

Ask 10 people to define buzz and you’ll get seven different answers. Three people will say, “I know it when I see it.” It’s easy to quantify a YouTube video by the number of views. It’s straightforward to quantify a blog through the underlying analytics. But how do you quantify buzz for a company, especially …more

Applying Storytelling Techniques To Owned Media

I had the pleasure of speaking at Compass USA’s communicators’ conference in North Carolina this morning. As one of the largest food service companies in the country, Compass has a good story to tell. With all due respect to my technology brethren, it was liberating to discuss storytelling in the context of banana bread, grilled …more

Revisiting The Debate On Paid Media Versus Owned Media

The quandary on how to best deploy different media types to build brands will be with us for some time. Just because Facebook worked in Egypt doesn’t automatically mean the platform positions your company as revolutionary. By virtue of being part art part science and the dynamic nature of the internet, there’s plenty of complexity in the media …more