Category: Q&As


Q&A With The 85-Year-Old Voice Behind "Thoroughly Modern Millie," Part II

I’m not a fan of the phrase “be authentic.” It sounds too clinical. Can’t we just say “be yourself.” That’s exactly how Millie Garfield approaches her blog, which has served the 85-year-old blogger well. Millie was kind enough to talk with me about her writing. I published the first half of the interview yesterday; here’s …more

Q&A With The 85-Year-Old Voice Behind "Thoroughly Modern Millie"

Spend 10 minutes cruising the Net on what makes for a winning blog and you’ll find the same advice repeated again and again. Develop a distinctive voice. Share personal experiences. Communicate a point of view. And, of course, the mantra of the digirati: Be authentic. If you want to see these theories put into practice, …more

Q&A With 12-year-old Creator Of "Good Morning Geek," Max Swisher

There are thousands of tech blogs out there. Few are manned by a 12-year-old. But “Good Morning Geek” from Max Swisher isn’t a gimmick that challenges child labor laws. Max knows his stuff and has developed his own voice. If you watch the video and say “I could totally imagine this on dolby surround sound!,” …more