Tag: blog


I Wrote 1,000 PR Blog Posts and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt

Writing feeds my soul, so producing 1,000 blog posts on public relations, storytelling and everything in between hasn’t exactly been combat duty. Still, there’s something about a round number with three zeroes that causes one to pause, to consider what went into this corporate blogging journey. Even though the destination was unknown, my anxiety was …more

Home for the Holidays: A Hoffman Look at Volunteering

By Melissa Lewelling, Senior Account Executive In a region with increasing disparity in wealth, I am one of the statistics that (by logical rhyme and reason) shouldn’t exist. I remember standing in the fog of the early morning before kindergarten waiting for the Salvation Army to open so we could eat that week. I remember …more

Storytelling vs Corporate Speak (Infographic)

In this corner we have those who have embraced storytelling with the fervor of foodies waiting in line at Salt & Straw for a scoop of the Freckled Woodblock Chocolate. In the opposing corner, we have the suits who find phrases such as “We’re pleased to announce” and “a leading innovator in sequencing code for …more

People Have Misunderstood the Meaning of Storytelling (PRWeek)

We’ve strived to be the cobbler’s kids who actually do have shoes. In practical terms, we’ve pitched stories on the Agency and our perspectives to journalists, some resulting in media coverage. As part of the blog’s 10-year anniversary, I’ve dusted off one of the better articles on our storytelling mentality. David Blecken at Campaign Asia …more

Ten Takes on the State of Storytelling in Business

  Today marks the day, the 10-year anniversary of Ishmael’s Corner. In the spirit of taking a step back, I reached out to a mix of individuals I respect for their perspectives on that elixir for communications we call storytelling. The backgrounds vary from journalists to storytelling gurus to authors and everything in between. As …more

Whoever Said, “If They Build It, They Will Come,” Never Started a Blog

Tomorrow marks the 10-year anniversary of Ishmael’s Corner. Nice round numbers suggest reflection, so here goes. Building a readership is hard work — not exactly an alert-the-media insight, but one that has stayed with me over this 10-year trek. The periodic sense of toiling alone begat the line: “If a post falls in the forest …more

Mundane Interactions Offer Opportunity to Inject Storytelling into the Brand

Every interaction with the outside world is an opportunity to build your brand. Even those mundane interactions. One could argue that the “mundane” actually offers one of the best opportunities to stand out, since others are tracking to the status quo. This often leads to template communications, the opposite of communications guided by storytelling techniques. …more