Tag: hoffman agency storytelling


How the Hell Does This Trader Joe’s Story Land in The Wall Street Journal?

The Journal published a feature story about people using Twitter to deliver updates on the lines of shoppers waiting to get into Trader Joe’s. As the first step in reverse-engineering the “why” behind the Journal devoting significant real estate to the topic, we ask the macro questions: Does the story reveal something new about the …more

Blending PR and Digital to Explore Visual Storytelling

Our campaigns increasingly pay homage to search and online presence. Regardless of the organization, the target audience at some point conducts due diligence online. Which means bringing digital skills to the table in building a client’s online profile. I recently shared a case study from our China team in which WeChat anchored a campaign. And …more

Flippin’ Pancakes

Taking a break from dissecting storytelling techniques, here’s a look behind the curtain at the Agency. Our annual pancake breakfast in our Silicon Valley office took place yesterday. As part of this tradition, the senior team cooked breakfast for the staff. I think it’s fair to say that a good time was had by all. …more