Tag: PR storytelling


Top 10 Communications and Storytelling Posts of All Time

After eight years and 893 posts, I figure there’s enough data to highlight the most viewed posts of all time with a straight face. It’s fitting that half of the posts from the top 10 do not fall squarely under the storytelling umbrella. While storytelling in business communications serves as the basis of the blog, …more

Research Indicates PR Pros Believe They Do Get Storytelling

I speak at the Mumbrella Conference in Singapore tomorrow, charged with answering the question, “Does PR Get Storytelling?” Obviously, I have my views on the topic. But what about the PR folks on the front line. What do they think? To find out, we surveyed over 400 PR professionals based in Asia pulling from both …more

10 Examples of Visual Storytelling that Boost the Narrative

Most of us who toil in business communications tilt toward words. We studied mass communications, journalism or English in college. When we went looking for jobs, our resumes touted writing expertise, not design. Yet, today’s world calls for equal emphasis on the visual side. I’ve always viewed my blog as a laboratory where I can …more

Do PR People Get Storytelling?

Every PR agency with a pulse touts its storytelling chops. You half expect carnival barkers shouting, “Step into our tent, and we’ll show you how to tap the magic powers of storytelling to connect with the outside world, eat canapes at Davos and pal around with Anderson Cooper.” Yet, the vast majority of content developed …more

Top Storytelling Posts for the First Half of 2017

To find an individual who has dominated the new cycle for such a long stretch of time like President Trump, you have to go all the way back to 1994 and the O.J. Simpson trial. It’s not a bad comparison. The trial of American People vs. President Trump is unofficially underway delivering plenty of fodder …more

Microsite Makes a Case for “Storytelling Techniques” in Business Communications

Since conducting our first storytelling workshop in 2011, the honing of the material has been a never-ending process. To this point, we’ve considered the methodology as our intellectual property. It was part of how we differentiated the Agency, an approach to developing content that recognized that given a choice between dull or interesting, human beings will gravitate …more

The Top 10 Storytelling Posts for 2016 (Part II)

Breaking the Top 10 storytelling posts for 2016 into two parts, I published the first part last week. Here’s the second part, again reflecting the varied facets that make up today’s communications in the business world. In spite of the massive changes in our industry, media relations and PR storytelling still matter, an apt way …more