Tag: the New York Times


Grading Out the Storytelling for a New York Times Job Description

I am an unabashed cheerleader for The New York Times. For those who have the stamina to read more than 10 words at a time, it’s trustworthy. For those in the communications business of constructing non-fiction storytelling, the Times offers daily lessons. In fact, you’ll find some of the best journalist storytelling on the planet …more

And I Thought Media Properties Had Stopped Aspiring to Be PR Agencies

Look, I recognize it’s been a rugged 20 years or so for the publishing industry. Since Craigslist showed up on their doorstep and eviscerated classified advertising, media properties searching for new revenue streams seem to have a certain Ponce de León quality to them. Some would argue that in a world where people expect to …more

And the Most Trusted News Source Is …

As President Trump continues to use the “fake news” mantra to whip the masses into a frenzy, it causes one to wonder what publications people do trust. The University of Missouri set out to answer that question based on a survey of over 8,000 consumers. Before jumping to the results, it’s worth noting that respondents …more

Where the Hell is PR on The New York Times Careers Chart?

The New York Times published a feature, “Old Skills, New Career,” on Friday that examines the question on everyone’s mind, perhaps with the exception of stand-up comics and UFC fighters. . . The story paints a gloomy picture for those with skills projected to lose the battle against computerized brethren: “Even if workers want to …more

Don’t Call Me “That,” Math is Fun and Invented by China

The grab bag returns for the second time this year. Three micro takes coming at you —   Who vs. Whom vs. That Frank Bruni’s beautifully crafted essay in The New York Times laments the sloppiness in language that has seen “that” become a synonym for “who” and “whom”: “This bit of wreckage particularly bothered …more

Proving That Life is Stranger Than Fiction in the Communications Sphere

  You can’t make this stuff up. Raking through my storytelling and PR posts, I’ve curated a list of seven “life is stranger than fiction” moments. 1. Media Squeeze — and Watermelon Explosion — Described by the NY Times Presents an Opportunity for PR BuzzFeed proved what everyone has always believed in theory. If you stretch …more

Contrasting PR in the U.S. to PR in China

I traveled to China last September — Steve Wozniak ended up right behind me in line going through customs — which was my 38th trip to China. Even after spending a fair amount of time there, I still feel like a student always learning new things. So many dimensions to the communications industry in China …more

Is This the Future of Newspaper Video?

Journalism — particularly newspapers — has been trying to shift to video for years, often sputtering like a ’57 Chevy with a bad carburetor. And for good reason. The inverted pyramid still figures prominently in J schools across the country. If you’re pounding out news stories for the Daily Planet, the inverted pyramid serves you …more

PR Unchained with Quentin Hardy from The New York Times

By Melissa Lewelling, Account Executive, The Hoffman Agency . As a former journalist, I tend to find PR events featuring journalists and the ethereal question, “How can PR help you do your job better?” — frankly — comical. These types of events often feature panels of journalists who don’t want to be there, don’t really …more