Archive: March 2011


Who’s The Hero?

In the world of entertainment, there’s nothing quite like that “hero twist” at the end. But the hero in business isn’t dodging bullets. Kari Ramirez, one of our account managers in Silicon Valley, contributed today’s guest post on this very topic.  As you’ll see, even an enterprise computing company can have heroes (roughly 97,000 for those counting). By …more

Tattoos Bolstering A B2B Tech Company’s Brand?

Exactly. Taking the “every company is the media” mantra to the next level, Intel publishes the Free Press. While I’m not big on the name – it is free, but not exactly the cleverist moniker – the execution is pretty darn good. Which brings me back to tattoos and one of the articles in the Free Press that …more

Exploring Language With Slang Lexicographer Jonathon Green, Part III

I’ve enjoyed the back and forth with Jonathon in bringing his perspective on “chasing down words” and storytelling to this neighborhood. Before jumping to the final question, a few thoughts – I spend $3.50 on a large Red Sea (coffee) at Philz a couple times a week. The Dictionary of Slang retails for $450, though Amazon has shaved …more

Exploring Language With Slang Lexicographer Jonathon Green, Part II

Today brings the second part of the series with lexicographer Jonathon Green. Yesterday, Jonathon discussed the chase behind slang which he noted “far outweighs the kill.” While one doesn’t typically associate entertainment with dictionaries, I was struck by the storytelling in his writing. I asked Jonathon about this. Q: I can see through various articles that your writing brings …more

Exploring Language With Slang Lexicographer Jonathon Green

I rarely read TIME magazine. Fortunately, I made an exception last month. The TIME story about Jonathon Green’s Dictionary of Slang demanded attention: “It provides a surreal, anachronistic delight one might have gotten from hearing Freud lecture on Charlie Sheen’s recent verbal diarrhea.” How often do you hear a dictionary described as a “delight?” To borrow from Gossip Girl, …more

Five Tips on Award Submissions in the PR Industry

I appreciated Paul Holmes asking me to serve as a judge for the Sabre Awards this year. After reviewing the award submissions for my assigned categories and participating in a task force to select the winners, I wanted to share a few tips that will help a submission gets its due. Before going further, I would be remiss if I didn’t say that …more

Applying Storytelling Techniques To A Job Description

It almost seems like HR gives the following guidance to the copywriter before drafting a job description: “OK. You know what’s at stake. I suggest you review the job listings from our competitors and borrow what you consider to be the best elements. This is no time to go rogue. Be smart. Let’s use what’s already working. Great. Have that new description …more

Engineers Like a Good Story Too

We’ve discussed this topic before. While professionals coming from a technical orientation gravitate toward the tangible, there’s also a place for storytelling in reaching this audience. That’s why companies like Intel devote considerable resources to putting a “face” on the company. That’s also why the editor-in-chief of EE Times, Junko Yoshida, applies storytelling techniques in her own writing. For exhibit A, …more

Maximizing The Value From A PR Agency (Or Any Professional Services Firm)

This post doesn’t exactly fall under the storytelling umbrella. I figure a rogue post every now and then keep things interesting. Which serves as my segue into the client-agency relationship. PR agencies disdain the “V” word. Calling an agency a vendor is akin to a slur against the principal’s mom. Agencies want that partner mantle. But I’ve …more