Tag: corporate speak


Best Storytelling Posts from H1 2013 (Part I)

After raking through 75 or so posts, I’ve captured what I consider to be my best storytelling posts (top 10) from the first half of the year. While some got the nod from sheer popularity (number of views), others rated high on my personal amusement scale. Here goes – What Really Happened Before the NRA’s …more

Visual Storytelling and the Not-so-humble Infographic

The value of visual storytelling will only increase over time. You don’t need a research grant from the feds to reach this conclusion. There are only so many words a human brain can process before the overload buzzer goes off (unless you’re Stephen Hawking). Which brings us to the infographic. If a picture is worth …more

The Return of Storytelling vs. Corporate Speak

Our infographic that contrasted storytelling with corporate speak seemed to resonate with the outside world. People recognize that gluing together facts and figures makes for dull information. Since publishing the infographic, we’ve seen talk – and chatter in social media channels – evangelizing the value of storytelling in business accelerate. Dare I say, storytelling has …more

Rationalizing Time Earmarked For Social Media

We already know participating in social media requires time. But how many of us scrutinize the ROI associated with this time? I hadn’t until a friend and colleague asked me the following questions: It’s obvious you’ve made a commitment to social media. How do you justify the time? Can you attribute new clients to your …more

Infographic: Storytelling Vs. Corporate Speak

Visual storytelling demands a place in any organization’s business communications. Photos, graphics, charticles – apparently, when it comes to fish, what happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas – etc. all provide storytelling fodder. Which brings me to the infographic. You could make an argument that the infographic is the new black. Beyond the visual appeal, …more