Category: Guest Posts


Imagining Alternate Realities With HA Jamz

By Shereen Masoud-Jointe, Senior Account Executive (Europe)   This week’s HA Jamz additions remind me that although things haven’t been “normal” in a while, music can give us a portal to other possibilities.   100.   陳綺貞 (Cheer Chen) – 旅行的意義 (Travel Is Meaningful) 101.   Oh Happy Day — Sisters in Gospel 102.   …more

I Got 99 HA Jamz (And Not a Bad One)

By Shereen Masoud-Jointe, Senior Account Executive (Europe)   Just shy of the big 100, and the playlist is going strong! It continues to be updated daily — it’s hard to imagine life B.H. (Before HAJamz). I’ve come to look forward to getting that little ray of sunshine in my inbox, and I’m sure other Hoffmanites …more

HA Jamz Brings Out the Musicophiles

By Shereen Masoud-Jointe, Senior Account Executive (Europe)   We have some avid music lovers at The Hoffman Agency, and everyone felt pretty strongly about their picks for this week.   90.   誰能明白我 (Who understands me) — George Lam 91.   绿光 (Green Light) — 孙燕姿 (Stefanie Sun) 92.   BTS — Dynamite 93.   Everybody Wants …more

How to Set Up a B2B Facebook Advertising Campaign

By Jackson Dulzo, Senior Account Executive At Hoffman we’re increasingly executing integrated communications campaigns that roll earned, owned and paid media into a single client budget to reach B2B audiences. It’s here that traditional PR techniques like media relations and thought leadership combine beautifully with the new generation of publicity tools, including paid social ads …more

J’adore HA Jamz

By Shereen Masoud-Jointe, Account Executive (Europe)   It’s the “universal language”— so yes, sometimes music may give us the (false) confidence that we can belt out a tune in an unknown tongue and get it at least almost right. When I was a kid, I was sure that I was being true to the Arabic …more

Wholesome Times with HA Jamz

By Shereen Masoud-Jointe, Account Executive (Europe)   Whether you’re all alone in your room and looking for a song to have a good cry to (we’ve all done it) or searching for a song to dance wildly to with abandon — both worthy cathartic pursuits — the latest tunes on our playlist should give you …more

Making a Cover Letter Count

By Chris Owen, Director, Hoffman Europe   We’re on the lookout for a recent graduate to join the team here at Hoffman, which means navigating through cover letters and CVs, both of which constantly veer between the brilliant and the downright stale. The former invite interviews, the latter the bin, yet both are born with …more

HA Jamz Has All the Flavors

By Shereen Masoud-Jointe, Account Executive (Europe)   The weekly musical roundup is back after a short break— and worth the wait! As a global collaboration between all of The Hoffman Agency’s offices around the world, the HA Jamz project is international by nature; over the past few weeks though, we’ve gotten an even more eclectic …more