Storytelling Through a Business Prism


Unconventional paths to PR: How did we all get here? (Part 2)

By Hoffman Europe The bustling world of public relations and communications is filled with people from all walks of life. While some of us pursued degrees in PR or journalism, many stumbled upon the industry from something vastly different: from accounting, history, law, to other creative backgrounds. You may be surprised to know that most …more

A “Word Visual” Delivers a Touch of Thanksgiving Levity

I first touted the virtues of the “word visual” in 2014. For those not familiar with this technique, the idea is to use the words (or typography) to drive the action while minimizing the need for design expertise. The image above borrowing the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld falls in the “word visual” category. Most “word …more

Celebrating the Agency’s 35-Year Anniversary

How is that possible? No, please don’t answer that question. I’d rather not know. The image you see above was the official announcement in 1987 which starred my Mom proclaiming that The Hoffman Agency was open for business. The vision of becoming a marketing communications consultancy — in today’s words integrated communications — has only …more

The Downside of Experience in Leadership

We tend to correlate experience with stronger leadership. The common Steve Jobs narrative swings from impetuous youth to lessons learned. It stands to reason that people who have been tested when things didn’t go according to plan expand their leadership game. Yet, there’s a downside to experience when it comes to leadership. We can gain …more

Unconventional paths to PR: How did we all get here? (Part 1)

By Hoffman Europe The bustling world of public relations and communications is filled with people from all walks of life. While some of us pursued degrees in PR or journalism, many stumbled upon the industry from something vastly different: from accounting, history, law, to other creative backgrounds. You may be surprised to know that most …more

Creating a Company Video That Actually Tells a Story

On a charitable day, I would characterize most company videos as dreadful. Consider what happens when you go to an event, meet a new person and that person launches into a soliloquy of “me, me and in case you missed it, here’s more about me.” Right. You walk away. Why would a company video be …more

Google Ignores Its Own Best Practices for SEO

  If any organization should nail the fundamentals of SEO, it’s Google. After all, Google wrote the rules behind online search and holds the keys to the algorithm. It’s a little like knowing the words for a spelling bee before the spelling bee takes place. Sure, it still takes knowledge to win it, but the …more

What the Heck Is a “Word Visual?”

I’ve explored how non-designers in the communications business can get the visual storytelling religion. While the vast majority of PR folks struggle to bring a visual dimension to communications, there’s a design technique that plays to our strength. What I call “word visuals” come in three flavors: Clever words that stand on their own: The …more